
In lieu of meeting minutes (because we still have no Secretary) this message is sent to document an act made in last night’s meeting which had quorum.

After substantial discussion of the issue of meeting venue, Frank made a motion to revert to the prior meeting plan to have regular monthly meetings along with CE planned for them to be by Zoom, and to have planned quarterly social events, such as picnic, Inspect-out, holiday dinner to meet the clear need for in-person social interaction.

This motion was seconded by Miles.  There were no dissenting votes.

I think this is a good and important move that will help in STAHI’s efforts to expand its membership and survive as an organization.

The next regular meeting will be by Zoom on 10/17/23.  The next social event will be the Seasonal Home Inspect-out scheduled for a weekend at the end of October (more detailed plans to be provided by Charlie).