STAHI December 2021 Meeting Minutes

STAHI December 2021 Meeting Minutes

(Via Zoom)


Note: Return to remote meeting due to Corona Virus conditions and 2:1 majority of members per on-line poll.

Call to Order: 6:15 PM, due to delay with some members not registering ahead of the meeting, not receiving the link.

Roll Call Introductions. 16 Members & 1 Guest, Steve Dawes friend of Tom Sherman

Determine Quorum -we have a total of 24 voting members, the quorum was met

Requests from Members for Modifications to this Meeting Agenda? Larry wants Tom to talk about access/registering for the meetings

Approval of November 2021 Meeting Minutes as posted on STAHI website: Larry requested correction that one of the main reasons for Professional Home Inspections leaving STAHI was that they had to pay their attending inspectors overtime and it became very expensive for them.

Motion to approve: Tom Ott, second Dave Jones

Secretary’s Report (Frank Macak)
Frank updated the Bylaws on the website. No other news.

Treasurer’s (Nathan Mann) Report and Approval

Beginning Balance: 4912.14

Received 2 dues = $450

Expenses – 2 CE checks went out, 2 members NYSAHI dues $150 = $950

Balance: $ 4,412.14

Larry mentioned the change of dues for Trade members to $150 as was approved by the membership to be included in updates/forms

Larry asked Russ F. to review the account books before the next meeting = standard procedure

The spreadsheet for the budget was reviewed by the membership, Larry went over the details, projections confirming with Nate, projecting 25 full members plus some trade members. Based on a projection of only 20 members, currently 25 Full and 3 Trade STAHI members, we should have revenue of $5,100, about $4,000 carryover from last year, with all projected expenses we would end up with a $2,800 carryover into the 2023 year after all expenses. 

Larry talked about wanting to have all meetings with some CE classes. He asked education coordinators to try filling the meeting that has no paid CE’s to try to do free contractor presentations that have certified CEs i.e Strong-Tie, InspectorPro, and also do a Show-n-Tell with photos, etc. – we can get fairly easy approval on that. Since it is much simpler than actual specialized CEs, we could have approved instructors to do it for a paid meal. Larry also budgeted 4 CE applications @$25 for those.  Ross R. reported to Larry that NYSAHI will not be requesting the dues from new STAHI members that are under the scholarship program. Larry went over the itemized expenses of $6,260 – can be seen online in the spreadsheet STAHI 2022 BUDGET PROPOSAL – STAHI.

Sincere thanks from the membership to Larry for the hard work, great job, appreciated.

Motion to approve the budget: Keith O. seconded by Tom Ott

Backtracked – Larry asked Nate to provide a short form that could be posted on the STAHI site and just approve it at the meeting. Don’t have to go through all the details at the meeting.

Education Coordinator Report (Charlie and Dennis  were not present – reported by Larry

Projected CE Training

Aaron Menlove Insurance program – should be approved. Tom S says we or him has to submit it for approval to NYS. Dave noted it has to be submitted by and approved for STAHI

Strong-Tie Insurance program – also believed to be approved

Exploration of Air Source mini-split CE program? Charlie’s project

Show-n-Tell for various categories suggested by Larry Ames.  NYS certified instructor volunteers requested to conduct Show-n-Tells – Keith offered to do it, others are welcome to step up. Instructors should pick the subject and provide info to Dennis for submissions. provided to instructors willing to do this without fee to expand STAHI CE offerings. Tom has submitted Heating and Plumbing as 2 separate courses through his NETinspect.

NetInspect CE for January STAHI meeting – 6 classes were submitted, they should be ready

Tom Ott asked about doing septic courses if possible.

President’s request for a calendar of CE offerings out three months – scheduled ahead by Charlie.

NYSDOS new regulation relating to remote CE – NYSAHI has been pushing for it and has it also available during a snow emergency. The state has specific regulations for those. NYSAHI also asked to limit the CE to the NY state, but the state seemed to have opened it up to all other providers. NYSAHI sent the letter to NYS to reconsider.

Last year we had 16 CEs through STAHI, so we are ahead. Tom had a lot to do with it – thank you, Tom.

Tom spoke about his new platform how he is planning on providing the CE classes which he developed with his programmer. He invited STAHI as a founding member into his program which would give those “schools” [ it would be “STAHI School”] a locked-in price of $49 / month. It would give us the use of his platform to set up meetings, CE classes, generate notifications, links, stores certificates with an option to print, tracks attendance, etc. We could use the platform with his class or our class that we bring in whether on ZOOM or in person. It meets the state requirements for sign-in/out, and all other info related to CEs.

Dave is already a founding member of his school and is satisfied with the service.

Tom wants to present it to us in more detail in a separate ZOOM meeting, with Charlie and Dennis present, and some others – agreed.

Tonight’s Education Event:  At end of business meeting: “Dissecting an Oil-fired Boiler – NYS L2777-02, by NetInspect/Tom Sherman.

Important: Tom spoke about registering for the class as soon as you get the link from STAHI since all other notifications are sent only to those that are registered. So to get into ZOOM meetings, class sign-in/out, and other notifications, it is all sent after you register for the class.

NYSAHI Report (Tom Ott & Larry Ames 2021-22 STAHI Representatives). Reported by Ross Relyea, current president of NYSAHI

New President’s Agenda for 2022; NYSAHI put together a set of goals and hopefully increase revenues, have a lobbyist again, open the website for advertisers, etc.

NYSAHI will request Liability Insurance Specifications/Regulation by NYSDOS. Liability insurance is being sold to inspectors, but they are not covering any damages.

Dick A. was asking if NYSAHI has any specific plans on bringing in more members to increase revenue.

NYSAHI lost 2 major organizations from downstate as members which were about 50% of revenue.

Various ideas were presented to increase the value of NYSAHI. Larry spoke about bringing specific members’ concerns to NYSAHI so that they could be addressed. Pointed out an incident with Bruce K where the realtor would not open the house because Bruce was not a member of GBAR. GBAR is not the licensing agent, inspectors can do inspections anywhere in the state. NYSAHI sent a reminder to GBAR on that issue.

We will expedite payment of STAHI member NYSAHI dues to help with tight NYSAHI finances.

Keith expressed how much hard and dedicated work was put into lobbying and promoting inspectors’ issues on behalf of NYSAHI.

Looking for member input for what would add value to their NYSAHI membership.

Old Business

Corona Virus Conditions – are worsening, we will still meet over ZOOM, be safe over the holidays

Continuing Call for new CE Opportunities from Members by Larry

Monthly E-mail reminder of dues payment due date.

Alternate proposals for use of scholarship funds $500. The decision is to be made at the February meeting.

New Business: None

Motion to Adjourn:

Keith Oberg, second by Russ F. All in favor.

Education Segment (2 credits NYS CE)

“Dissecting an Oil-fired Boiler –  NYS L2777-02, by NetInspect/Tom Sherman.

Meeting minutes were recorded by Frank Macak – STAHI Secretary 2017–2022
If you have any additions/corrections – please contact me at
Frank Macak, Secretary